Module D Review & Exercises

Module D (Review & Exercises)

Remember that each of the seven sessions is taught in four modules. The first three modules – A, B, and C – are video-driven accompanied by a listening guide. The fourth module D for each session’s topic allows time for more hands-on personal interaction. It is intended for review and Personal Exercise Applications (PEAs for the POD) with the purpose, through group interaction, of bringing to life the key points of each teaching topic. Click on links below to access the PEAs for each session.

 Module D employs various learning techniques. Here are some suggestions. What usually works best is a combination of the following:
  • Ask the participants to share a testimony of how the teaching has impacted their life and the people around them as they have put the teaching into practice.
  • Pray for one another: Using a 3×5 card, each participant can indicate prayer requests (marking them private or public). Email the public requests to each POD Participant so they can be praying consistently for each another. The facilitator will be praying for the private prayer request. Update these prayer requests frequently. It is exciting to see how God answers those prayers. Ask the participants share when and how God has answered those prayers.

  • Personal Exercise Applications (PEAs for the POD). Be time-sensitive as the exercises do take some time to complete. Go to a detailed explanation of each session’s PEAs by clicking on the appropriate link below. Note: These are merely examples. Please feel free to be creative and come up with your own exercises that you believe would be effective in driving the points home.

    Links to the Personal Exercise Applications (PEA’s): These interactive exercises are for reviewing key points leading to personal application. Be aware that if you choose to do all of the exercises it may take up to forty-five minutes per session to complete.

  • Hand out and go over the “Remember Card” for that session. The Remember Cards highlight some of the key “take-aways” from each module, asks a provocative question, encourages scripture memorization, and provides a space for writing down personal application/next steps.

  • Go over some of the Discussion Questions found in the resource guide.


  • Questions and answers for clarification of any of the modules teachings. Note: “The 7 Session Facilitators Discussion Guide” contains a nice summary of key points for each of the teaching modules.

  • Next Steps/ Personal Application discussion. Have the participants share ideas of how they are going to turn what they have learned into personal application.

  • Always look for ways to encourage, hold accountable and comfort one another.